Curious About Kroger? Here Are 5 Ways to Save Money There

Image By Jonathan Weiss From Shutterstock

#1 Kroger Boost

Kroger is one of the shops where you can save money by spending money in their shop! To be able to take advantage of these perks and save as much money as possible, you will have to sign up for the Kroger Boost program. It is only $59 for the whole year, and it guarantees you free next-day delivery on all orders that are valued at $35 or more; you can double up on your Fuel Points every time you refill your tank (more on that later); and you can get a lot of welcome offers that can total up to around $100 with their partner brands (Home Chef, Murray’s Cheese, and Vitacost).

Moreover, using this feature and your membership, you can say goodbye to clippings and having to hunt down coupons, as all discounts and bonus coupons that may come up will be added by default to your Shopper Card. And if you want to be able to get your groceries delivered to you the same day and sometimes as fast as in two hours from placing the order, you can choose to upgrade our Boost plan for another $40.

You may be thinking that there are not so many perks to the Kroger Boost and that you are not saving too much, but according to calculations made by people at Kroger, you are actually getting your money’s worth. If you choose the more expensive plan (the upgraded Boost one for $99 a year), if you spend roughly $91 a week on groceries and use your Fuel Points to refill your tank with fuel (about 31 gallons of gas) twice a month, you can end up saving up to $1,057 that year!

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