Curious About Kroger? Here Are 5 Ways to Save Money There

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Image By giggsy25 From Shutterstock

#5 Substitution Can Be Your Best Friend

You can always use Kroger to have all your groceries shipped straight to your door. However, as you know, sometimes they will not be able to find you something you have put on your order since they may no longer have it in stock when the worker gets to the shelf. It is tricky because you cannot browse yourself for alternatives, yet you should always opt to be able to have Kroger substitute your items: the shoppers will replace the item with one that is more expensive, and it will be free of charge!

It happened a lot of time to most Kroger shoppers as when they got their groceries, they saw that they either got a bigger size than the one they had on their order, a pack instead of just a single item, or just some of their items were substituted! This can lead to you getting a replacement, like Kerrygold butter, or even an extra-large box of your favorite cereal instead of the normal size.

The best part? You will be getting emails about any substitution that will be made, so you can reject it if it is truly not something you have wanted.

And if you want to end up saving even more when shopping at Kroger, then make sure you check out these brilliant ways to save money through their grocery reward program here!

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