Curious About Kroger? Here Are 5 Ways to Save Money There

Kirkland, kroger
Photo by zedspider from

#3 Get Yourself Some Gas

We have been talking about how you can get cheaper gas, but how exactly can you do that with Kroger? In this day and age, when the prices for gas are at their highest they have ever been some days, we have to be as savvy as possible when it comes to getting gas.

When shopping at Kroger, you can end up getting discounts for the Kroger Fuel Center, which is their own gas station. They generally correlate with your grocery expenditures, and you can also gather fuel points (1,000 fuel points mean 1 dollar off your gas bill), and there are special times when you can get four times more fuel points by making certain purchases in Kroger stores.

And then, if you have a $1 off per gallon discount, you can go, and if you fill your tank with 35 gallons, you end up getting a $35 discount! When you take the median price of around $4 per gallon into consideration, it is a great discount! If you add your fuel points to the discount you are already getting, you can end up getting the best price for gas!

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