Curious About Kroger? Here Are 5 Ways to Save Money There

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Photo by Kenishirotie from Shutterstock

#4 Spend Less On Prescription

The tough truth is that millions of Americans cannot afford to pay for their medications, and because prescriptions are so expensive, they just stop taking them. Kroger comes to their aid as they have teamed up with a company that gives discounts on prescription drugs, GoodRx, so that people who use their pharmacy can end up getting discounts!

It will cost you to enroll in their Kroger Rx Savings Club, but it will be $36 for the whole year for a single person, while the family plan for up to six people (and if you have pets, they are included in that number too) will be $72, which is way cheaper per person.

The discount club will ensure that you get discounts on your medications, which include the most common ones and thousands of others, and they can go up to 85% off the retail price you would pay in other places! To add to the perks, when you first refill your prescription with them, you can get 25 fuel points.

Make sure you keep track of all your monthly payments with a budget planner!

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