Gas Taxes: 10 States With The Highest — and Lowest — Ones

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gas prices
Image By NomadSoul1 From Envato Elements

Lowest gas prices

#4 Arizona

Sitting just above the last two states, Arizona’s taxes and fees are minimally different, ranking at 19 cents per gallon! However, this might be because they are too far away from the Gulf Coast to be able to take advantage of the lower oil prices. Despite this, the tax is not that different from New Mexico’s, due to the distribution of gas being more difficult, their prices cannot compete with their low taxes compared to the rest of the states.

Sitting just behind Alaska, which despite having the lowest tax has the highest average fuel price, Arizona’s latest average fuel price per gallon has been $4.60. Despite still being behind the highest prices and taxes, it still says a lot about the additional costs we pay for fuel if the tax isn’t really a problem.

#5 Missouri

Missouri, which has a state gas tax at about 20 cents per gallon, is actually the haven of low taxes when you count the neighboring states! One of them is actually the second state on our list when it comes to the highest taxes.

What is surprising, is that compared to Alaska, which has the lowest fuel taxes, Missouri’s average gas price on the 14th of March has been $3.84! Almost a whole dollar less than Alaska. While taxes aren’t anything fun, they are not the most decisive when it comes to fuel prices.

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