Gas Taxes: 10 States With The Highest — and Lowest — Ones

gas prices
get the Most Out of Your Gas Mileage
By l i g h t p o e t from Shutterstock

Highest gas taxes

#2 Illinois

Illinois makes the list at the second to last position, being the state with the second-highest taxes. If it makes anyone feel better, they are doing better than the people who live in the state which is number one on our list.

Despite this, their taxes go up to be 59.6 cents per gallon, and their last average price was at $4.57 per gallon, which is not the steepest price out there, and even states with lower taxes sometimes pay more.

What makes Chicago drivers pay more is the fact that when city and county taxes are added to the already high federal gas taxes, they end up paying $1.02 just in taxes for fuel. A quarter of the price is actually taxes. A bit unfair if you ask us…

#1 California

Unsurprisingly, the most expensive city in America continues to reign at the top of any list. Having its citizens pay almost five times more than Alaska, the state of California has the highest state gas taxes out of all of them, at a whopping 68.15 cents per gallon. Not only that but with how the prices have gone up to amount in the last week at $5.74 per gallon.

This may be because the state has its own, separate emissions standards, which drove them to make a unique blend of gas that doesn’t get refined out of state. Being more strictly regulated and refined differently, it ends up increasing the costs of producing and hiking up the taxes and prices along with it.

Read more about how you can make the most of your full gas tank and avoid frequently stopping for a top-up here

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