6 Ikea Products You Shouldn’t Skip On

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ikea product
Image By LightFieldStudios From Envato Elements

Kallax Shelves

Who doesn’t love a good shelf? And what makes these shelving units so unique and so raved about is the fact that they come with an infinite number of ways in which you can make them work for you. After all, it is one of the most beloved Ikea products out there for a reason!

At first, it may look a bit intimidating since the shelves are all square, but the Kallax series makes use of its clean lines to be versatile, so you can place it in any space you may need and use it in a variety of ways: from bookshelf to shoe organizer, from storage place to room divider, the possibilities are endless!

Proud owners of these shelves agree that they’re sturdy, and they rave about how easy customization is due to the various inserts and bins Ikea has, which definitely take this shelving unit to the next level!

Variera Pot Lid Organizer

This pot lid is just another reason why you should definitely not skip these Ikea products, as not only do people use them for their intended purpose, but they also find various other ways in which to use them. This pot lid organizer is amazing to just add to your drawer or cabinet, and since it is adjustable from 3 to almost 20 inches long, it will be able to fit into any sort of space. More than that, people are raving about it since it secures all the lids in place and makes sure they aren’t getting scratched!

If you’re not into using a lid organizer, this Ikea product has been proven by other owners that it’s super versatile! Some use it for cutting boards rather than lids, and others go as far as crafts and even mail! If you’re not excited about a lid organizer, then you could be excited about making use of your imagination and seeing what else you can use this item for!

And if you were wondering what you shouldn’t be buying at Ikea, we’ve got you covered! Read all about the items you should avoid and why here!

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