It’s High Time You Toss Out These 6 Kitchen Items

Image By PavelPrichystal From Shutterstock

#1 Toss that old scratched up cutting board

There is at least one scratched-up cutting board in your kitchen, especially if you favor using the wooden ones! While these generally have a very long shelf life, if you notice that the little cuts start to pile up after years of using them to cut your ingredients on, it’s time to throw them out!

This isn’t considered wasteful, but rather mindful of your health. All those little groves, cuts, and scratches are breeding grounds for bacteria—and even mold! You wouldn’t want any of those to get into your food when you are cutting everything up. So trust us, it’s better to toss it.

#2 Expired condiments

We are fast at throwing away anything that has gone moldy in our fridge, but we aren’t giving the same attention to everything in it! When is the last time you looked at the collection of condiment bottles on your fridge door? Because while they are in a jar and theoretically have a long shelf life, they still go bad even if you forget about them or use them once in a while!

Do some spring cleaning in your fridge and toss out any bottle of sauce that has reached its best-by date if you see any separation in the consistency or if you smell anything funny when you sniff it. It’s better not to risk upsetting your stomach.

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