Worst things at Target! Don’t Buy These 8 Things

Image By Timolina From Envato Elements

Specialty food items

This one may hit a certain spot, especially since Target has a lot of different grocery options from store to store, and this may not be the case for you. But for as many good stores, there are just as many that are worse for wear. And while the grocery section is amazing when you’re buying generic, and you’re in a standard store, it’s not the greatest when it comes to the more exotic options.

Things like curries and different spices for different cuisines are not something that is easily available, or if they are, they aren’t the best ones out there. You’re better off finding a specialty store or one that sells the specific ingredients for the food you want to make; not only will you help a local store, but you will be getting a better quality ingredient than the general mass-produced variety Target offers.

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1 thought on “Worst things at Target! Don’t Buy These 8 Things”

  1. Not a frequent Target shopper. Occasional toddler or children’s clothing or toys for grandchildren. Thanks for info!

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