8 Genius Uses Of Baking Soda

Baking Soda
Photo by HQuality from Shutterstock

3. Absorb small oil spills

Who doesn’t spill some oil here and there while cooking? On clothes especially. The thing is, you shouldn’t rub it with a towel because you will only spread the stain more. Instead, try blotting the oil with a paper towel and then apply baking soda to cover those oil stains.

Leave it for a few hours (some even suggest leaving it 24 hours), wipe with a washcloth and then treat the affected area with your favorite stain-lifting product.

4. Lift red wine stains

If you’re like me, every time you drink a glass of red wine, you’re worried it will get spilled somewhere in the house. When this horrible thing happens, baking soda is your friend! Stir one part of baking soda with three parts of water and pour the mix on the stain. Let it dry before vacuuming. After that, use a stain remover product to make sure the reddish color is gone.

Another way to clean those stubborn stains would be to pour some white wine on top (funny, isn’t it?) followed by a thick layer of baking soda. While you leave the mix to work out, keep the affected area hydrated by spraying some water on it for an hour before washing it with lukewarm water and soap.

5. Clean your bathroom

Limescale? Mold? Nobody likes having them in their bathrooms. But you’ve got an enemy in your cabinet for those nasty stains. Yes, baking soda! Those chalky deposits are more likely to appear inside your toilet and the stains make it look dirty.

To keep this buildup at bay, pour a cup of baking soda into your toilet weekly and leave it there for one hour before scrubbing the inside. Not only will baking soda lift limescale stains, but it will eliminate any lingering odors too.

You can also remove soap scums from sinks, bathtubs or shower curtains by using a damp brush and some baking soda.

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