8 Genius Uses Of Baking Soda

Baking Soda
Doing laundry
Photo by Rawpixel.com from Shutterstock

6. Whiten and brighten your clothes using baking soda

Keep your colorful clothes bright and whiten your white ones with a half cup of baking soda. Next time you do your laundry, add it right into the drum and use detergent as usual.

Being a mild alkaline solution, it keeps clothes smelling fresh, as it neutralizes acids in odor molecules. At the same time, its abrasive particles chip away stains. When baking soda meets grease, it forms glycerol, the most common cleansing ingredient found in soaps. 

7. Remove pesticides from produce

Are you worried water isn’t enough to get rid of pesticide residue found on produce? Well, don’t stress about it because baking soda is your ally. According to a 2017 study, baking soda proved to be more effective than bleach in removing pesticide residues.

The next time you buy produce, let them soak for 15 minutes in a large bowl of water mixed with a tablespoon of baking soda.

Bear in mind that this mix will only remove pesticides found on the skin, not from the interior of the vegetable or fruit.

8. Treat mosquito bites

Who doesn’t love summer? But sometimes, this season brings annoying bugs with it. Yes, I’m talking about mosquitoes. If one bites you and you’re out of anti-itch cream, treat the affected area with a homemade baking soda paste. Just mix some water with baking soda to make a paste, apply to the bite and let sit for 10-15 minutes before washing off. 

It’s scientifically proven that baking soda can relieve the itching, redness and stinging triggered by mosquito bites. That’s why most over-the-counter creams contain this ingredient.

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