10 Target Items That Seem Cheaper but Are Quite the Opposite

Target items
Photo By tommyandone from Envato Elements

Name-Brand Medications

As long as the active ingredients and quantity match, it is better to buy the store-brand generic version medication, you can often find savings of up to 80% off on store-brand medications. For instance, expect to pay almost $20 for a 300-count Advil versus $8 for a 500-count Up&Up generic ibuprofen.

When it comes to name-brand medications, you are going to get charged an arm and a leg, as Target charges top dollar for your desperate need for the medicines. You will overpay on almost every kind of name-brand medication you can think of.

Since Target’s pharmacy section was taken over by CVS in 2015, the chain ended its rewards program, effectually making medications costlier and less competitively priced. So if you find yourself shopping for over-the-counter medications at Target, stick to the store-brand variety.

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