10 Target Items That Seem Cheaper but Are Quite the Opposite

Target items
Photo By Grey_Coast_Media from Envato Elements


Just like the furniture, running sneakers at Target might only cost you close to $30, but you’re not going to get sturdy long-lasting footwear.

If you’re planning to frequently hit the trails, you’re better off indulging in a quality pair from other stories that carry name-brand shoes for the same price, that will keep you swift and easy on your feet – with better quality and durability.

Target shoes are not economical in terms of usage. It is not that they cost a lot but the durability of Target shoes is to wear them a handful of times out of the year and throw them away, which makes no sense.

It is better to buy a high-quality shoe that you don’t need to switch for years and end up spending less than you would buy purchasing bad shoes after every few weeks.

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