10 Costco Products You Shouldn’t Buy Anymore

kirkland costco
Photo by siambizkit from Shutterstock


If you have a huge school bake sale right around the corner or your family eats around four eggs a day, then you definitely need to buy two or three dozen at a time at Costco. However, most of us don’t really go through eggs this fast.

Cooking oil

This might come as a shock for some, but oil can spoil, too. So those double packs of enormous bottles of veggie oil at Costco will definitely save you on cost per ounce, but once you open those bottles, you need to use them within a year. So unless you like to deep fry often, it might get a bit difficult.

Even more, olive oil shouldn’t be bought in huge quantities, given the expensive extra virgin type loses its whole character pretty fast once you open it. Opaque containers that are stored in a cool place will extend their shelf life, but it’s still recommended to get them in smaller quantities.

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