13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)

throw out
Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock


Some receipts should definitely be stored somewhere, especially if they represent tax-deductible purchases or even items you might want to try on. Other than that, you could toss everything out. Or, as an alternative, you could try opting for digital receipts, or even scanning the paper receipts you get.

Old craft supplies

If you’re not an avid crafter, you’re probably the proud owner of a dried-out bottle of glue, various spools of ribbon, and other interesting items that are now completely useless or unlikely to be used ever again. That’s why you should get rid of all the things that no longer serve you, and donate those items to an elementary school art teacher or even your local YMCA.

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2 thoughts on “13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)”

  1. Nice try M.C. but not exactly a fan of your generalization…too much waste in your life. Let me caveat that by saying that you make very little note about recycling anything.
    Maybe its a generational gap here but I don’t willy-nilly waste things. I throw nothing out from my pantry. Why should I? Because the manufacturer has put and FDA required date on it? Honey NEVER expires but has a date on it…

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