13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)

throw out
Photo by Andrii Zastrozhnov from Shutterstock

Mismatched socks

Have you ever tried keeping a small basket on top of your bureau for all the mismatched socks that might give you a headache? This way, you’ll give them one month’s trial, and if you still haven’t found a match, you can either toss them or re-purpose them in a more practical way, as dust rags.

Or if you want to do something a bit more creative with your ex-favorite pair of socks, there are so many arts & crafts projects that you definitely have to try! You had no idea how many crazy things you can actually do with only one sock! In the end, you’ll become glad that you lost the other pair!

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2 thoughts on “13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)”

  1. Nice try M.C. but not exactly a fan of your generalization…too much waste in your life. Let me caveat that by saying that you make very little note about recycling anything.
    Maybe its a generational gap here but I don’t willy-nilly waste things. I throw nothing out from my pantry. Why should I? Because the manufacturer has put and FDA required date on it? Honey NEVER expires but has a date on it…

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