Old prescriptions and medications
Make sure you check all expiration dates, and if your medications are way over their prime, find out what are the available disposal options.
VHS and cassette tapes
If you have an impressive collection of old tapes with content you really love but no VCR to see them again, we’d advise you to have them converted to a digital format and toss the old tapes. There are many reasons why you should consider throwing away your old VHS and cassette tapes.
Some of them might be already too damaged, and they’re no longer relevant, some of them might have duplicates, so they’re simply wasting your space, and some of them are blank because you never used them. So why keep them, especially since you stored everything that’s in there in a digital format? Throw them away!
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2 thoughts on “13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)”
I do most of this ,have less clutter. but need to do more.
Nice try M.C. but not exactly a fan of your generalization…too much waste in your life. Let me caveat that by saying that you make very little note about recycling anything.
Maybe its a generational gap here but I don’t willy-nilly waste things. I throw nothing out from my pantry. Why should I? Because the manufacturer has put and FDA required date on it? Honey NEVER expires but has a date on it…