13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)

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Photo by sit from Shutterstock

Plastic silverware

Unless you’re an avid fan of eating on the go, you probably don’t need all that plastic silverware that takes up all that space, especially since you already have a proper set of silverware at home. You could either take the plastic silverware at work, alongside your lunch package, or throw it out.

If you want to know how to properly throw them out, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! As we found out, plastic utensils can’t be recycled, and there are two main reasons for that. First, they are way too small, and their shape is too skinny. Every time they end up in a recycling facility, it seems that they either fall through or get stuck in a big piece of machinery. So you just throw them in the trash!

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2 thoughts on “13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)”

  1. Nice try M.C. but not exactly a fan of your generalization…too much waste in your life. Let me caveat that by saying that you make very little note about recycling anything.
    Maybe its a generational gap here but I don’t willy-nilly waste things. I throw nothing out from my pantry. Why should I? Because the manufacturer has put and FDA required date on it? Honey NEVER expires but has a date on it…

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