Gadgets that you only need once in a while might look cool on display, but they could take up too much space, as you don’t use them on a daily basis. Some of the most common unitaskers might include a quesadilla maker, avocado, egg slicer, herb scissor, and even a bagel cutter. If you didn’t need them in over a year, it’s time to let them go.
Warped food storage containers
Check your drawer for any food storage container that might need to be thrown away. See if each and every container matches its top and if not, then it’s time to say goodbye. Luckily, you can recycle almost anything you don’t use anymore.
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2 thoughts on “13 Things You Need to Throw Out (Because It’s Frugal)”
I do most of this ,have less clutter. but need to do more.
Nice try M.C. but not exactly a fan of your generalization…too much waste in your life. Let me caveat that by saying that you make very little note about recycling anything.
Maybe its a generational gap here but I don’t willy-nilly waste things. I throw nothing out from my pantry. Why should I? Because the manufacturer has put and FDA required date on it? Honey NEVER expires but has a date on it…