6 Money Saving Tricks for Amazon Shoppers

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Image BY Sergei Elagin From Shutterstock

#1 Did you use Subscribe & Save?

If you only leave with one trick that you have to remember after this list, it’s this one! If you’re relying on Amazon to keep your pantry filled with all your most used items, you should make use of the Subscribe and Save option on their website! Not only will this end up helping you get all your frequently used items to your doorstep without worrying about having to rebuy them when you run out, but you will also be saving some money (up to 15% of the initial price).

This is one of the less-used Amazon perks that many would actually benefit a lot from! For things that you know you need more often, like detergents, you can set up a monthly or even bimonthly delivery. And for others that you know are going to last you longer, you can choose a bigger interval, even up to 6 months in between deliveries!

And you can always skip or cancel a subscription if you know you will not need to get the item that month or period! It’s all very easy to use, and it will save you both time and money!

#2 Make sure you look for coupons

This may seem like the oldest trick in the book, but the key to getting the best deals on Amazon is to make sure you are vigilant and take advantage of the coupons that are always around the website. Not only will you be able to see the little coupon flags (they’re orange, and they appear underneath the official price on the product’s page), but you can check their special Amazon Coupon page, where you will be able to see all the coupons for all the site’s categories.

The only drawback is that, like with all coupons and discounts, they are bound to expire at one point. This is exactly why you shouldn’t be too hesitant and, after you get the coupon, use it as soon as you can. And if you happen to be missing out on one, just remember that you will be able to find another deal sometime soon!

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