6 Money Saving Tricks for Amazon Shoppers

trick, amazon
Annual subscription, prime day, free, trick
Photo by Silver Wings SS from Shutterstock

#5 Make use of the Amazon Prime free trial

If you think the membership for Amazon’s yearly program is a waste of time but you still shop frequently on their site, we are sorry to tell you that you are playing yourself. You could be saving so much money when it comes to shopping online if you utilize the perks that come with the membership, not to mention get access to their two-day shipping along with a ton of free content and benefits (including Prime Video).

The trick is to not sign up just on a whim without going through the free trial first: why pay upfront when you can take advantage of the subscription for free ahead of time? Not to mention, this will also let you test out the membership before you commit to paying for it, which can turn out not to be the best fit for you.

What’s more, if you’re opening an account and your whole household plans to use it, don’t forget about this extra trick. You can open an Amazon Household account. That way, two adults and up to four kids and four teens can have access to one Prime account!

#6 No rush shipping may just be your new best friend

If you already have an Amazon Prime membership, you may already know of this little trick. But since most of us get the membership just so we can use the two-day shipping, it’s not as common as one may think. If you choose the free no-rush shipping option, not only will you be able to earn more perks and rewards, but you may be eligible for immediate rebates and discounts on the items you were purchasing to begin with.

This is one of the fastest ways to earn more rewards with your Amazon accounts (which are generally granted after the item is shipped to you). As long as you’re not in a hurry to receive your items, you should make use of this as often as you can, and you will see all the perks that this little trick can give you firsthand.

And if you’re looking to make the most out of your Amazon Prime membership, check out our list to make sure you haven’t forgotten any perks!

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