8 Products You Definitely Do Not Need

Image By Anna_Om From Envato Elements

#5 GPS

Back in the days when navigators were the newest products on the market, they were indeed revolutionary: they got rid of having to fold a map and they could (almost) always help you when you were in the middle of nowhere. Sure, they had their drawbacks, like the maps that didn’t update with the new road changes, but all in all the products were a success and very useful.

Nowadays, it’s virtually useless, though. Not only do most cars already come with some sort of integrated navigation system, but in case you have an older model, your phone definitely has a navigation system! This product, unfortunately, falls in the category of once useful, but since forgotten pieces of technology!

#6 Banana slicer

We already established that most of these revolutionary cutters are just gimmicky products you can definitely do without. This one takes the cake, though: even a plastic knife for kids can cut a banana. If we’re all honest, almost anything on this earth can slice a banana with little to no pressure needed, so wasting money on this product is not something you want to entertain ever.

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