6 Secrets to Know Before Shopping at Trader Joe’s

Image By Corinna Haselmayer From Shutterstock

#4 Your favorite snacks may just disappear

This is an open secret and quite a big complaint that a lot of frequent shoppers at Trader Joe’s have. You will find that even the biggest fans of this store have this one gripe with it: there is a chance that your new favorite product will be discontinued. Trader Joe’s has a habit of making its products come and go, with some fan favorites that have also disappeared over the years.

It is such a big thing that there are even accounts online that are dedicated to letting people know in real time what items are going to be discontinued soon or what items are just seasonal, so people can be in the know at all times.

Why is the store doing this? Apparently, with the lack of space in stores and new items being introduced every week, all the ones that do not catch the interest of the public are getting the boot! Some may also be discontinued because it simply costs too much to produce them.

So if you shop here, keep in mind that your favorite snack is always up for being discontinued!

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