5 Things You Buy on a Regular Basis, But Shouldn’t

Things You Buy on a Regular Basis
shopping on a regular basis
Photo by TY Lim from Shutterstock

Bottled Water

The United States has a new preferred beverage. It’s not coffee, or tea, or soda, and it’s definitely not beer or anything alcoholic. Americans now drink, by volume, more bottled water than any other packaged beverage.

Bottled water is not great for the environment and it isn’t great for your wallet either, purchasing bottled water on a regular basis will cost you about $56.50 a month, with $12.97 for a pack of 24.

You’re better off investing in a filtered water cooler that taps into your home’s water line. A certified model uses reverse osmosis to remove harmful bacteria and chemicals from your water. Also, consider skipping bottled water and investing in a reusable water bottle instead.

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