5 Reasons to AVOID Costco Memberships at all Costs

Photo by Mikel Dabbah Shutterstock

1. Sometimes you don’t really need that much food

If you live in a small household, there is a high chance that buying in bulk will be too much for you. For example, if you live alone or with just another person, a big bottle of ketchup or a huge pack of spinach will go bad before you can even use all of it.

If this is your case, a Costco membership will more likely make you lose money than save it, and we are sure you don’t want that.

One smart thing you can do in order to make the most out of your membership if you live alone or in a small household is to split the membership with a few friends or neighbors that are in the same situation. In this way, you can buy cheaper things in bulk without wasting anything and actually save some money.

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