5 Reasons to AVOID Costco Memberships at all Costs

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3. You don’t own a car

If you don’t have a car and you want to shop at Costco, we have some bad news for you. You’re going to have a really hard time. Actually, it is nearly impossible to do your groceries at Costco without a car.

Just think about it: if you plan to do your groceries for a month, there will be some products that you will have to carry. And even if you say that you won’t go alone and will take someone with you to help, it will still not be enough.

If you plan to take an Uber every time you go shopping, there is no chance to save money. In order to make the membership worth it, you will need to do most of your groceries at Costco, and if you take an Uber there and an Uber back, you will spend more money than you might think.

So, if you don’t own a car, shopping in bulk at Costco is not the best deal for you. If you still want to do your shopping at their store, we suggest you split the membership with a friend that has a car and is willing to help you take your groceries home.

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