Non-Perishable Foods? These 6 Have a Long Shelf Life

perish, avoid throw
Image By FabrikaPhoto From Envato Elements

#1 Dried pasta

If we’re talking versatile and non-perishable foods, you have to add pasta to the list. Not only does it come in a plethora of shapes and sizes, but it is also one of the most adaptable dishes you could ever make. From adding another hearty layer to a soup to making traditional Italian dishes, from casseroles to frittatas, you can make so many savory and sweet dishes with pasta that you must keep it on hand!

What makes pasta even more amazing is the fact that it has such a long shelf life that you can easily buy some in bulk and then easily keep it in an airtight container or its original package for even two years without fearing any alteration to the product. If stored in a cool, dry place, you will not have any problems with staleness or mold, and it will taste just fine when you make it.

Your only problem might be if there are tiny insects getting into the packages, despite your house being clean. Just check your water for them when you cook the pasta and get rid of them if that’s the case.

#2 Uncooked white rice

Like with pasta, when we are talking about starchy dishes, you cannot go wrong with keeping uncooked white rice on hand. Not only will this grain last you until the end of time if you never open it, but once opened, it can last up to two years, just like pasta. Of course, it is dependent on the way you store it, so you need to keep it in an airtight container or sealed food-safe jars so nothing like insects or moisture can get to it.

Otherwise, white rice can last you a pretty long time and definitely makes the top of the non-perishable foods list!

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