Non-Perishable Foods? These 6 Have a Long Shelf Life

perish, avoid throw
Image By showcake From Shutterstock

#5 Pure maple syrup

Who doesn’t love a pancake breakfast with maple syrup drizzled on top? The best thing about maple syrup is that it is not perishable, and you can easily store it for about a year once you have opened it in the fridge. What you need to be careful of is buying the actual pure maple syrup (which tends to be expensive) and not the corn syrup imitation you can find in most supermarkets (Aunt Jemima, we’re talking about you).

Otherwise, once you find a pure maple syrup you love, it is a great, non-perishable staple for your kitchen! It’s full of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins, and it is 100% natural. Unopened, it will last you forever, and once opened, you have to keep it in the fridge unless you want it to grow mold.

#6 Unsweetened cocoa powder

When we’re talking about non-perishable staple baking goods, we have to add unsweetened cocoa powder to the batter. After all, it is used in a lot of baked goods, from brownies to cakes—and even frosting and cookies! This is why you should never shy away from taking advantage of that bulk deal for good-quality unsweetened cocoa powder because it is basically unperishable if you store it correctly.

Tests have been made, and even after being stored for six years, most pro tasters’ pallets couldn’t detect any difference between the fresh one and the so-called old one, and those who could, said that the difference was minimal. So if you love baking, do not worry about your cocoa powder if it’s in an airtight container and in a dry place. It will basically never perish!

Since we’re on the topic of pantries, you will definitely love to hear about these canned items that will elevate your pantry game and help you when you’re in a pinch when it comes to dinner!

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